• By: Darryl Stallworth, Esq.
  • Published: April 12, 2021

The Phone Call:

It’s Saturday morning and you’re waking-up slightly hungover to the sound of your cell phone ringing. You ignore it and your mind drifts to the night before. There was a party, plenty of beer and cheap vodka. There was a girl. After a few drinks together, the conversation was easy and things between you were moving at a quick pace. Somehow, you made it to her place and had sex. Getting home was a blur.

The phone buzzes again, pulling you from your semi-conscious state. “Campus Police” displays on the caller ID as you answer with a curious “hello?”

“This is Officer Smith with Campus Police; we like to ask you a few questions about last night. We got a report from Miss X about a sexual assault.”

Now more awake, your mind is racing. What you do next can jeopardize your freedom and determine your future.

What should I do? In my new book, “A Guide to Understanding the Criminal Justice System: Sex Crimes”, details of what to do – and more importantly – what NOT to do should you or a loved-one be accused of a sex crime in California.

As a criminal defense attorney, I’ve seen this scenario played-out in the Bay Area throughout my legal career. Whether you’re a student or working professional, a sexual assault accusation can be life altering. Knowing the law is not always intuitive and if accused, your actions following an allegation are critical to your best defense.

Specializing in criminal defense, I handle a variety of cases ranging from DUI’s to first-degree murder. I chose to write about sex crimes as my first book in this series to address the alarming increase of sexual assault allegations in recent years. Considering the high visibility of these cases, the likelihood of you or someone you know being charged of a sex crime has also increased. Now more than ever, it’s important that you understand the legal implications of a sexual assault charge and how to make choices that will help you avoid compromising and questionable situations.

“Yes” Doesn’t Always Mean “Yes”

Confusing? Absolutely. Did you know that someone may be deemed unable to provide consent to a sexual act if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol? It is up to you to know whether someone is under the influence or able to provide clear, unobstructed consent before engaging in any sexual contact. This applies not only to a new acquaintance, but also to boy/girlfriends, and spouses.

3 Things to Know if Accused of a Sex Crime:

  • Don’t Participate in Police Questioning
  • Don’t Post Anything on Social Media
  • Do – Contact a Lawyer ASAP

Understanding the laws surrounding sex crimes in California is the first step in avoiding a charge.

An Ounce of Prevention:

Recognizing possible compromising situations can go a long way in avoiding a sex crime accusation. While I’ve dedicated my life to defending your rights, the best action to avoid the legal system is prevention. The best prevention is knowledge. As discussed earlier, the law is not always intuitive when it comes to sex crimes. “Yes”, doesn’t always mean “yes”. It is my hope and intention to educate the public, especially young people, on the possible consequences of their choices to provide a clear path that does not involve the legal system, but one of success and opportunity. Knowledge of the law is the most powerful tool available.

Let’s Talk:

If you would like to learn more or arrange a speaking engagement for your office, school, church, or group, please click to contact. Private, legal consultations are always available.

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Attorney Darryl Stallworth image in cta box - Darryl A. Stallworth Law Office - Trusted criminal defense attorney

Whether you need a drug possession or DUI lawyer, or legal
advice for murder and sexual assault charges, I’m here to advocate
for you. Call Darryl A. Stallworth Law Office at (510) 907-6644

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